Battery information
Used batteries do not belong in household waste. As the end user, you are legally obliged to return used batteries. You can return used batteries that the seller carries or has carried as new batteries to the company free of charge.
Batteries must not be disposed of with household waste. As the end user, you are legally obliged to return used batteries. Batteries can be returned free of charge after use in a retail shop. In connection with the sale of vehicle batteries to end users, we are also obliged under § 10 BattG to charge a deposit of 7.50 euros including VAT per vehicle battery if the end user does not return an old vehicle battery at the time of purchase of a new vehicle battery. After collecting the deposit, we are obliged to refund the deposit if you return an old vehicle battery to us (ZS 2radteile GmbH, Unterbibracher Str. 3, 95519 Vorbach). In addition, we are obliged to refund the deposit if you have returned a used vehicle battery to another distributor of vehicle batteries, to a public waste disposal organisation or to an operator of a treatment facility for end-of-life vehicles in accordance with the End-of-Life Vehicles Ordinance (Ordinance on the Transfer, Return and Environmentally Sound Disposal of End-of-Life Vehicles) and provide us with written or electronic proof of return that is not older than two weeks at the time of submission. If you are a commercial or other economic enterprise or a public organisation, you also have the option of disposing of the vehicle battery directly with manufacturers of vehicle batteries or with commercial waste battery disposal companies; in this case, you will also receive the deposit back from us upon presentation of a written or electronic proof of return from these bodies, which is not older than two weeks at the time of presentation.
The symbols shown on batteries have the following meaning:

Crossed-out waste bin = battery must not be disposed of with household waste
Pb = Battery contains more than 0.004 per cent lead by mass
Cd = Battery contains more than 0.002 percent cadmium by mass
Hg = Battery contains more than 0.0005% mercury by mass.